ICRH at Immanuel
Immanuel Lutheran Church will be hosting the Isabella County Restoration House (ICRH) rotating homeless shelter the week of February 4th - February 11th.
Our church has earned a reputation for having friendly, welcoming volunteers and being easy to work with. ICRH chooses to start the shelter season with us because of this. Let's kick off the 2023-2024 season off with our volunteer shifts full and our arms open to welcome those in our community who are experiencing homelessness!
Have concerns or feel intimidated by being "in charge" of the shelter? No worries, a staff member is on duty with us at all times, so leadership and guidance is available. Staffing has also allowed ICRH to now make volunteer shifts overnight optional for churches. If you still want to volunteer overnight you can certainly keep staff company, but it is not required for us to have those shifts covered.
Volunteer Sign-up
All volunteers will also need to go to https://www.icrhouse.org/volunteer and submit the form so that a background check can be run. You will also need to attend or view a forthcoming pre-recorded "training" before your shift. You will receive an email about this training soon.
Dinner Food Sign-up
If you would like to sign up for providing dinner on one of these evenings, please contact Ryan Douglas (352-875-7933 or ryan@ryandouglascreative.com) and let him know the date and menu you have in mind.
Donating Goods
Another way you can help is by donating lemonade mix, orange juice, paper plates and bowls, napkins, plastic ware and disposable cups. These items can be labelled "ICRH" and dropped off in the kitchen from October 24th-28th.